Tuesday, September 20, 2005


An eerie article on g-induced loss of consciousness in Code One magazine—including the subjective experiences of centrifuged test-subjects as they passed out. One thought he was fishing for bass. Another found himself in the frozen foods section of a local grocery store at around 9G.

''Since I was there," he recalls "I decided to pick up a half gallon of vanilla ice cream. There were frozen desserts in flat freezers on the right side of the aisle and TV dinners in uprights on the left. I didn't want to grab just any brand of vanilla or to reach down in there and pick up some Neapolitan by mistake. The trouble was that I couldn't move my hands or turn my head to look into the freezer. In the meantime, I was being uncontrollably propelled down the aisle past the ice cream section. It was a frustrating experience."


You can read it here

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