Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Old old old old old old pluvialis

I've just noticed that these would-be undergraduates I'm interviewing were born the year I came up to university.

Where's the gin?


Tom Bozzo said...

If it makes you feel any better, I started slightly more than 22 years ago, so it follows that there are some go-getting graduates around here who weren't born at the time.

This also reminds me that we're out of gin at the house...

Jake Allsop said...

Age: on my mother's ninetieth birthday, I asked her how it felt to be ninety. A wistful look came into her faded blue eyes. "I wish I was seventy again," she said.

mdmnm said...

For years my housemate taught at a local university and, every fall semester, he would treat me to wonderful little facts like "this year's freshman class was born in 1981- they don't recall when Reagan got shot, John Lennon was alive, or the Challenger blew up, 'cause they were too young or not born." He still teaches, though we no longer split rent, but the cringe-inducing game has sort of lost all its fun now that we're to the point we could about be the progenitors of the new crop of freshmen.

Chas S. Clifton said...

I don't mind seeing the younger siblings of former students in my classes, but I am getting out so that I will never see their children (assuming that they wanted to attend the same university as Mom or Dad).

Reid Farmer said...

Hey, if you are 37 that means you were born the year I was a freshman at Tulane. Don't worry - it only gets worse

Tom Bozzo said...

Re: MDMNM's comment -- here's the "mindset list" [*] compiled by Beloit College for the class of 2011.

The list is occasionally ahead of the times, as in "High definition television has always been available" and "Smoking has never been allowed in public spaces in France;" it's arguably behind (or at least wildly optimistic) with "Russia has always had a multi-party political system."

[*] A registered trademark?!

Polymathicus said...

I hope you got a hold of a good brand of gin. Why wasting precious moments with anything less?

Anyway, just remember this: style, like the best wines, gets only better with time.

Heidi the Hick said...

Arrgh. My husband's got kids in the studio who have never seen analog tape.

I'm turning 37 this month. I feel old. Pass the bottle...

Anonymous said...


i drank all the gin