Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Holy moly, this is amazing

Sorry about the silence. I've been moving house again, and have been entirely without an internet connection. Am stealing wifi on street corners. All is well.

I saw this bit of nature footage the other day, sent to me by a biologist friend. It might take a while to load, so be patient. It's a scary nature-red-in-beak-and-talon thing, so don't open if you're of a nervous disposition.

Actually, if you're of nervous disposition, what the hell are you doing reading my blog?


Chas S. Clifton said...

Is that a capercaillie that does not know when to quit? I don't know European birds--and sometimes I have enough trouble with my local birds.

Matt Mullenix said...

The eagle footage is fantastic. There's a take-home lesson in there, somewhere!

Pluvialis said...

Capercaillies have the delightful quality of making golden eagles look small...